by Barbara J. Wood

Sesquicentennial thread weaves its way through 2010
January 05, 2011
Pat Kopecki
Wilson County News
People of all ages gathered and celebrated Wilson County's sesquicentennial celebration throughout 2010. Many remembered the cultural and historical contributions of their forefathers, who created the county that was approved by the Texas State Legislature on Feb. 13, 1860. The county, named after James Wilson, an Englishman who came to Texas in the 1830s, grew from an 1860 population of 1,500 to a population of 40,749 in 2009.
A number of celebrations were held under the guidance of the Wilson County Sesquicentennial Committee — La-Juana Newnam-Leus, John and Shirley Grammer, Maurine Liles, and Gene Maeckel, with four major celebrations sponsored by this committee.
The opening celebration, "Faith of Our Fathers," was held Jan. 3 with Pastor Buckner Fanning as the guest speaker, highlighting "Years of Religious Endeavor in Wilson County."
The event was held in the Floresville High School cafeteria in Floresville.
Wilson County's 150th birthday party was held Feb. 13 in the Floresville Elementary School Cafeteria. A special "Wilson County Sesquicentennial" commemorative postmark, designed by La Vernia Postmaster Sharon Meyer, was available that day only.
Contests included the "prettiest bonnet" and the "bushiest beard." Viola Henke, sporting a bonnet that belonged to her grandmother, Ella Boening, won the bonnet contest, and Albert Faktor of Poth won the beard contest.
The Wilson County Sesqui-centennial Trail Ride was held April 24, with more than 155 riders participating in the event. Riders began from two locations — the field west of the Wilson County Show Barn near Floresville, and the Stockdale City Park Rodeo Arena. The two groups merged in Jackson Nature Park, located off C.R. 401, at noon.
The closing celebration was the county's Sesquicentennial Celebration Sept. 25 on the courthouse square in Floresville. The contents of the centennial time capsule, buried Sept. 25, 1960, were displayed. The grand finale included the burial of the 2010 time capsule.
Today, the four cities that comprise the county are La Vernia, Poth, Stockdale, and the county seat of Floresville.
To recognize the contributions of all the many different communities, organizations held events to commemorate this historic year. Some special events included:
•The Floresville Musical Club celebrated 90 years of history on Jan. 13.
•The American Legion Post recognized the 100-year history of the Boy Scouts and Troop 114 in Floresville on Feb. 12 as one of the oldest troops in the nation.
•The Labatt Extension Edu-cation Club, formerly the Home Demonstration, formed in 1934, recognized its history and contributions to the county.
•John Sutherland Day was celebrated March 6 in Sutherland Springs. Sutherland was instrumental in having Wilson County carved from Bexar County. Sutherland and Joseph H. Polley were the founding fathers of the town in 1847, which later became the county seat in 1860.
•J.H. Polley Day was celebrated May 1 in Sutherland Springs.
•Dr. Ella Ware Day was celebrated May 8 in Stockdale, to recognize the first woman graduate of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston in 1899, who was licensed and practiced medicine in Stockdale for many years.
•The Floresville American Legion Auxiliary Unit 38 dedicated a monument in May recognizing its 80 years in existence.
To mark Wilson County's 150th birthday, a commemorative book was compiled that included the history of the communities that comprise the rich history of Wilson County.
COURTESY/ Wilson County News
Pat Kopecki
Wilson County News
People of all ages gathered and celebrated Wilson County's sesquicentennial celebration throughout 2010. Many remembered the cultural and historical contributions of their forefathers, who created the county that was approved by the Texas State Legislature on Feb. 13, 1860. The county, named after James Wilson, an Englishman who came to Texas in the 1830s, grew from an 1860 population of 1,500 to a population of 40,749 in 2009.
A number of celebrations were held under the guidance of the Wilson County Sesquicentennial Committee — La-Juana Newnam-Leus, John and Shirley Grammer, Maurine Liles, and Gene Maeckel, with four major celebrations sponsored by this committee.
The opening celebration, "Faith of Our Fathers," was held Jan. 3 with Pastor Buckner Fanning as the guest speaker, highlighting "Years of Religious Endeavor in Wilson County."
The event was held in the Floresville High School cafeteria in Floresville.
Wilson County's 150th birthday party was held Feb. 13 in the Floresville Elementary School Cafeteria. A special "Wilson County Sesquicentennial" commemorative postmark, designed by La Vernia Postmaster Sharon Meyer, was available that day only.
Contests included the "prettiest bonnet" and the "bushiest beard." Viola Henke, sporting a bonnet that belonged to her grandmother, Ella Boening, won the bonnet contest, and Albert Faktor of Poth won the beard contest.
The Wilson County Sesqui-centennial Trail Ride was held April 24, with more than 155 riders participating in the event. Riders began from two locations — the field west of the Wilson County Show Barn near Floresville, and the Stockdale City Park Rodeo Arena. The two groups merged in Jackson Nature Park, located off C.R. 401, at noon.
The closing celebration was the county's Sesquicentennial Celebration Sept. 25 on the courthouse square in Floresville. The contents of the centennial time capsule, buried Sept. 25, 1960, were displayed. The grand finale included the burial of the 2010 time capsule.
Today, the four cities that comprise the county are La Vernia, Poth, Stockdale, and the county seat of Floresville.
To recognize the contributions of all the many different communities, organizations held events to commemorate this historic year. Some special events included:
•The Floresville Musical Club celebrated 90 years of history on Jan. 13.
•The American Legion Post recognized the 100-year history of the Boy Scouts and Troop 114 in Floresville on Feb. 12 as one of the oldest troops in the nation.
•The Labatt Extension Edu-cation Club, formerly the Home Demonstration, formed in 1934, recognized its history and contributions to the county.
•John Sutherland Day was celebrated March 6 in Sutherland Springs. Sutherland was instrumental in having Wilson County carved from Bexar County. Sutherland and Joseph H. Polley were the founding fathers of the town in 1847, which later became the county seat in 1860.
•J.H. Polley Day was celebrated May 1 in Sutherland Springs.
•Dr. Ella Ware Day was celebrated May 8 in Stockdale, to recognize the first woman graduate of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston in 1899, who was licensed and practiced medicine in Stockdale for many years.
•The Floresville American Legion Auxiliary Unit 38 dedicated a monument in May recognizing its 80 years in existence.
To mark Wilson County's 150th birthday, a commemorative book was compiled that included the history of the communities that comprise the rich history of Wilson County.
COURTESY/ Wilson County News