Be a Part of Wilson County History!
We are taking orders for engraved bricks that will replace the existing sidewalk leading to the Wilson County Jailhouse Museum.
As a "State Antiquities Landmark" we must preserve and protect the old Jailhouse. Orders for engraved bricks will help fund the restoration and upkeep of the Wilson County Jailhouse Museum. Purchase a brick for yourself, your family, or both! The Wilson County Historical Society's goal is for ALL families in Wilson County and surrounding counties to be represented with an engraved brick.
As a "State Antiquities Landmark" we must preserve and protect the old Jailhouse. Orders for engraved bricks will help fund the restoration and upkeep of the Wilson County Jailhouse Museum. Purchase a brick for yourself, your family, or both! The Wilson County Historical Society's goal is for ALL families in Wilson County and surrounding counties to be represented with an engraved brick.

Place orders by emailing to request a form and start the process.

Place orders by emailing to request a form and start the process.
Contact Neila Hopkins 281-376-1364 or Viola Henke 830-391-1062 with questions.
Contact Neila Hopkins 281-376-1364 or Viola Henke 830-391-1062 with questions.