2022 Court of Exotic Destinations
Tevah Pfeil and Weldon Azevedo
2021 Court of Ancestral Remembrance
Abby Saenz and Jacob Trevino
2020 Court of Avian Artistry
Mary Pierce and Ty Hartmann
2019 Court of Bejeweled Brilliance
Trinity Carvajal and Roman Andrew Hernandez
2018 Court of European Elegance
Madelynn Castro and Josiah Guadalupe Cantu Hernandez
2017 Court of Fluttering Enchantment
Caroline Rose Burkett and Felipe Carlos "Tres" Hinojosa
2016 Court of Bohemian Blooms
Alexandria Rene Palacios and Christopher James Marrero
2015 Court of Christmas Magic
Shae Lynn Shodrock and Brock Michael Dugi
2014 Court of Nature's Nautical Wonders
Francesca Dominique Carvajal and Luke Daniel Rocha
2013 Court of Broadway Lights
Corinne Morkovsky and Mason Ray
2012 Court of America's Majestic Beauty
Caitlyn May and Blake Popham
2011 Court of Mystical Magical Universe
Alexa Carvajal and Garrett Pollock
2009 Court of Enchanted Gardens
Queen Brooke Juanita Alumbaugh
2010 Court of Celebrations of Texas
Kalyn Sisti and Barrett Raabe
2009 Court of Enchanted Gardens
Queen Brooke Juanita Alumbaugh
2008 Court of Once Upon A Time
Sarah Nina Trevino and Jordan Michael Leal
2007 Court of Romantic Moments
Allison Marie Woelfler and Landon Tyler Pawlik
2006 The Court of Nature's Grandeur
Caitlin Allana Abbott and Andrew Ross Shoemaker
2005 Court of Coronations' Past
Desiree Shanae Trevino and Justin Ray Leal
2004 Court of Texas Myths and Legends
Madeline Marie Popham and Joseph Edward Woelfler
2003 Court of American Spirit
Ryann Elizabeth Rocha and Trey Dustin Pfeil
2002 Court of Texas Treasures
Tamara Lynn Jung and Matthew David Cummings
2001 Court of Majestic Radiance
Brittani Laine Pruski and Russell Wade Pelech
2000 Court of New Horizons
Ashley Nicole Ortmann and Blake Russell Helmke
1999 Court of Autumn Beauty
Crystal Saenz and Michael Anthony Pena
1998 Court of Enchanted Peanut Harvest
Julee Frances Bingham and Rex Wilhelm Koenig
1997 Court of Victorian Grace and Elegance
Sarah Jean Hughes and Craig Allen Gupton
1996 Court of Timeless Treasures
Lacey Nicole Farris and Jerrett Wayne Pfeil
1995 Court of Majestic Future
Christine Ann Williams and Kevin Thomas Gupton
1994 Court of Golden Memories
Jennifer Anne Hrna and Andrew Thomas Hughes
1993 Court of Ancestral Culture
Sarah Elizabeth Roemer and Ross Louis Koenig
1992 Court of Enchantment of the Seas
Carolyn Marie Gaona and Timothy Jay Trevino
1991 Court of Texas' Natural Artistry
Jennifer Ann Barber and John Madison Davidson
1990 Court of Centennial Celebration
Nicole Regina Pruski and Jeffery James Vajdos
1989 Court of Childhood Fantasies
Catherine Louise Drozd and Karl Wayne Shultz
1988 Court of Splendid Wildflowers
Paige Susan Pullin and Steven Ray Witten
1987Court of Festive Fabrics
Katherine Sue Gibbs and Carl Edward Braun
1986 Court of Golden Twilight Harvest
Olga Alvarez and Alfonso Flores, III
1985 Court of Future Horizons
Debra Sue Palitza and Kevin Dwayne Chilek
1984 Court of Our Fortieth Festivals
Jacqueline Karen Johns and William Edwin Atkins
1983 Court of Majestic Melodies
Clarice Ann Bludau and John Joseph Ploch
1982 Court of the Southern Traditions
Lori Ann Rakowitz and Monte Scott Fuller
1981 Court of the Traditional Peanut Festivals
Donna Lynn Cordes and Stephen Wayne Shodrock
1980 Court of Our Four Seasons
Cheryl Ann Janek and Scott Earl Westmoreland
1979 Court of Agriculture Frontier
Denyse LaNell Heritage and Dale Wayne Pfeil
1978 Court of the Old South
Beverly Sue Bayer and Steven Charles Richardson
1977 Court of the Glorious Lone Star State
Peggy Sue Gordon and Richard Edwin Ullmann, Jr.
1976 Court of the Enchanted Beauties of Nature
Beverly Jasik and Cary Joseph Carnes
1975 Court of Our Forefather's Land
Jeri Ann Thomason and Michael Stuart Perry
1974 Court of Our Farming Heritage
Catherine Pearl Maples and John Berdines Lackness
1973 Court of Enchanted Travels
Katherine Haverlah and John Michael Pavliska
1972 Court of Celestial Jewels
Carole Ann Flieller and Thomas Randy Fleming
1971 Court of Flowers
Monica Kay Flores and Edwin Paul Flieller
1970 Court of the Mystic Zodiac
Mary Anne Woolsey and Gerald Eugene Masters
1969 Court of Silver Memories
Courtney Kay Mayes and Frederick Alan Maples
1968 Court of All Seasons
Barbara Jean Lawhon and Joseph Richard Sheehy
1967 Court of Harvest Treasures
Susan Spruce and Ken Lloyd Barber
1966 Court of Autumn Splendor
Mildred Anais Hill and Thomas Alva Johnson
1965 Court of Spanish Gold
Margie May Roemer and James Clinton Lawhon
1964 Court of the Autumn Nocturne
Ethelyn Ann Ehlers and James Lee Millikin
1963 Court of the Golden Harvest
Jeanette Florence Flieller and James Leroy Vontur
1962 Court of Autumn Beauty
Karen Sue Russell and John Larry Lowman
1961 Court of Harvest Festival
Judith Ann Sheehy and Jack Robert Orts
1960 The Peanut Festival was postponed
1959 Court of Northern Lights
Mary Elaine Adams and Charlie Ray Kellner
1958 Night of Regal Splendor
Jo Ann Youngblood and James Allen Sheehy
1957 Court of Enchanted Stardust
Mary Lou Johnson and John Billimek
1956 Court of Music
Martha Jane Eschenburg and Eugene Holloman Koch, Jr.
1955 The Peanut Festival was postponed
1954 Court of Indian Summer
Jo Carolyn Donaho and Otto Julius Hierholzer, Jr.
1953 Court of Jeweled Splendor
Berta Jean Blake and William Wylie Wright
1952 Court of Paradise
Bettye Joanne Barnes and Chester Parnell Russell
1951 The Peanut Festival was postponed
1950 Nell Frances Baker and Richard E. Ullmann
1949 Court of Castilian Romance
Marcylee Adams and Richard Hill Wright
1948 Court of Enchantment
Rose Marie Raska and Erwin Rabke, Jr.
1947 Court of Harvest Twilight
Minifred Teltschik and Roland Ermler
1946 Court of Golden Sand
Jo Ann Irwin and Ralph Gillig
1945 The Peanut Festival was postponed
1944 The Peanut Festival was postponed
1943 The Peanut Festival was postponed
1942 The Peanut Festival was postponed
1941Court of the Golden Harvest
Gwendolyn Chamberlain and Robert Lynn Mitchell
1940 Court of the Americas
Marjorie Spruce and Hudson Matlock
1939 Marilyn Reese and William Allen Smith
1938 Elizabeth Sheehy and John Bowden Connally, Jr.